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Sunday, April 29, 2007

language exams gone, now theres a-maths

Now in this time of distress, when the English exams have come to pass, and the rest are yet to come, leaving us only 1 week to appreciate all the good things that have ever happened in our lives. Looking back into the past saying, "wow, I've lived such a good life", what am I doing as others are frantically searching for an answer, a clue, or even a hint to whatever questions that may pop out during the examination, that they may secure in the knowledge of scoring well?


Ok, maybe a bit of dota here and there, blogging, and to top it all off, my friend's passing me the much anticipated, game of the century, the all-important necessity to filling a void in our empty lives, I give you, with a very joyful heart, the Best Game In The World, HALF LIFE 1.

Yes! With it's spectacular 600 x 400 resolution, 16 bit graphics and an arsenal of weapons, this game is astoundingly comparable to that of quake 4!

Who can even detect the slightest difference between these two games??
Heh, I'm bored..lets just end now so Idon't have to keep typing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.