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Thursday, April 19, 2007

GAHH sports

Sports. What is sports? Sports is a test of physical ability, a test of strength, of power, of the ability to do work, lots of things. I think sports is the only thing that reminds us of how important our bodies are. Imagine this, you sit on a couch, playing video games or reading a book. Suddenly you feel your muscles start to lose control. You cant lift the remote, you cant even STAND UP. That's what your world would be like of there were no sports.

Why am i talking about sports in the first place? Well, firstly, my NAFTA. Arrghh NAFTA is a test of physical ability, a test of strength, of power, of the ability to do work, lots of things. However, now that we're talking about NAFTA and not sports, we can say that NAFTA is the zenith of trials and tribulations of magnanimous proportions, which could send you into an enormous high of great accomplishment, or throw you into a dungeon of self-pity, despair and lost of hope. Well, personally, as long i pass im happy, but there are others who set much higher standards for themselves that they really fight to get that A.

The people that say: "Hey, I want an A in .....", and they exercise and work and sweat to get the well-deserved A. Depending completely on their own willpower without troubling others to push them forward when they are about to give up. These people have earned whatever respect they've gained. However, sadness is among those who say: Hey, Iwant an A in.....", but they sit on the couch eating potato chips and playing video games while their parents are constantly nagging them to get off their lazy butt cheeks and start burning some calories. These people have fat drooping over their elbow which is disgusting beyond human description, but if we could explain it, it would like this: inhumanly morbid, grotesque, gastly, and a sight which could make a kangaroo vomit. I mean, that's SICK! Who could have a layer of fat being pulled by gravity so much that it droops over theor elbow?? Ugh.

Anyway, sports day is tomorrow, my muscles ache lots after the test. This sucks.

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