Anyway, came home at 6.30, super tired, yet not enough to fall asleep. If there were any super power in the world, it would be the ability to control minds. Who needs super strength or laser eyes, or great intelligence when there are other people who can have those things for you?
Well, turns out we can control other peoples' minds. Because there is already a website dedicated to help you mess with others' lives! This has probably helped more lives then UNICEF or that animal organisation with the panda on the logo.
Nah, I don't really believe that advertisement, they're definitely talking about basic manipulation, which is so easy to do. In fact, I'm so good at it, I'm going to introduce a new game called "peer pressure". Its simple to play, get your subject to do what you want, and you win! Every time you say something suggestive, aggressive or anything to get your unknowing opponent to think about doing what you want him/her to, your subject gets "pressure points".
For example, saying, "Think of how it could benefit both of us" would give you like, 5 points or something. The persuader loses if the subject persistently refuses or stays indifferent for 10 Min's, runs away or ends up getting the persuader himself to stop or do something else.
You lose if the subject stays like this:
Do not play this game when surrounded by dolts.
Well, that's the end, be sure to give feedback on the music since I'm sooo insecure.
Lay back for a while and enjoy the comfort of stoning.
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